New work dynamics for business lawyers

The importance of legal managers in companies is growing Published on Le fonti legal – October 2018. Natascia Perucchini explains the current research of professionals in the private equity field. Link to the full article.

Executive salaries close to pre-crisis levels

Work-stock market of managers at pre-crisis levels: those who change companies earn 20% more Published on Impresa Mia – 19 march 2018. Vittorio Villa explains the new salary dynamics of managers. Link to full article.   Vittorio Villa – Founding Partner di Villa and Partners Executive Search

The Executive’s job market

Mercato del lavoro degli executive

The salary dynamics for the first lines of managers are very tense again Published on Corriere della Sera. The comment by Vittorio Villa on the new trends in the executive job market. Link to full article.   Vittorio Villa – Founding Partner di Villa and Partners Executive Search

Managers are now part-time

Corriere della Sera 20 settembre 2016

Corriere della Sera, Vittorio Villa: “Managerial Trends: from full to part-time roles”. Published on Corriere della Sera – 20th set 2016. Read the full article here: interview (in Italian).   Vittorio Villa – Founding Partner di Villa and Partners Executive Search

VP Search Event – Jan 2016

Overview sullo scenario macroeconomico 2016

Overview on 2016 Speech by Gabriele Barbaresco – Head of Research at Mediobanca. Download full document here.

Executive search in 2016

Pharma, Internet, finanza i settori che offrono più chance ai dirigenti

VP Search trends forecast in the 2016 Executive Talent Market Place. Published on Affari & Finanza – 21th dec 2015. Read the full article here: interview (in Italian).   Vittorio Villa – Founding Partner di Villa and Partners Executive Search